Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Conley's Chapter 3-First Posting

While reading chapter 3, I noticed the usual re-occurrence of the acronym, NCLB. Until taking education courses, I never realized the significance, relevance and ultimate importance of No Child Left Behind. The author's of the text state that NCLB mandates that teachers use proven and effective teaching and learning practices. (pg 62) Remember-ALL programs, assessments, etc. that are incorporated and utilized in today's classrooms should be based on proven scientific research. I found the organizing principle, idea, and content objective read quite informational. These are included in our content area literacies and text based approaches.I agree with the authors of the text when stated the teachers who focus on textbooks while ignoring state standards GAMBLE with students academic performance. Remember-Sometimes textbooks are extremely limited... (pg. 64) The term Critical literacy ties well into this chapter, in my opinion. If I'm not mistaken, critical literacy helps students read, write, and learn (successfully?? It's what I'm thinking.)with a critical eye! My two questions regarding this chapter are related to one another. 1. Could backwards mapping be similar or used in conjunction with/to concept mapping? 2. What other literacy techniques can be used with backwards mapping?

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